2025 REGISTRATION - open
Please note you will need to book your own flights to and from Vietnam. The official travel dates of the mission are Sun 7/9/2025 - Fri 19/09/2025 . We asked that you arrive a day early. You are welcome to extend your stay beyond the mission dates to do your own activities. Smile Outreach Foundation is only responsible for your well being in between the official travel dates. Registration close 13th June, 2025.
Volunteers who have registered, ensure that you pay as soon as possible. Due to the overwhelming of volunteers, we will prioritise for those who pay first. Thank you!
a. Dentist(s) please scan a copy of your certificate of registration 'Dental Practitioner - Dentist'
Nha Sĩ xin gửi 1 bản cho Hội:
- Giấy Chứng Chỉ Hành Nghề
- Bằng Cấp
b. Letter from your employer confirming your employment. (If you have a business please provide a copy of the Business registration.)
All volunteers
Please send us a copy of your current passport, tourist visa and flight details (if you have them)
Người Viet Nam xin gửi 1 bản CCCD hoặc Hộ Chiếu.
Travel Details
We need this to book your internal (if needed) and required the correct names.
Mission Trip Fee (Non-Refundable)
The registration deposit is $350 AUD. Part of this covers ground expenses for the duration of the trip. Please make this payment as soon as you can.
Accommodation, tour and any internal flight are at an additional cost payable by you. Before registering please ensure you are able to attend the trip as this amount is not refundable and will go directly to helping the children through charity project work.
You can pay the deposit for the mission trip via bank transfer (preferred). Last option is have all cost pay in VND when we met in Vietnam.